Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The New Grievance Theater


The Fighting Irish

Good editorial piece here on the Irish knocking down the EU's ridiculous, underhanded attempts to force an EU constitution onto Europe. Keep in mind the beaurocrats that run the EU are NOT elected.

Until recently, everyone supported European free trade. But many Europeans don't much like political integration: They want to govern themselves.

And even the Eurocrats running the show admit that Europe's common institutions have a "democratic deficit" (i.e., are undemocratic and run by unelected bureaucrats.)

They also had this "constitution" shot down once before by both France and Netherlands whose laws require referendums on constitutions so they simply stopped calling it a constitution.

They called it a treaty.

The Irish law says that they must vote on treaties too. They didn't want a continental non-elected government running them.

I find the EU's shift into fascism quite worrysome but not really surprising given Europes history and their recently strange Orwellian tactics they've been using to combat free speech, individuality and the freedom of the press.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Obama Being Absurd

Ok, I know McCain ain't all that but lets be reasonable here. I think both sides the political spectrum suck so I'm allowed to criticize Obama.
He said they "helped to engineer the distraction of the war in Iraq at a time when we could have pinned down the people who actually committed 9-11." He said Osama bin Laden is still at large in part because of their failed strategies.
Sure Bush hasn't got Bin Laden but Clinton is really the one to blame for his freedom and his rise. Clinton had him in his sites and didn't give the go ahead.

Note to the truthers: Obama points out here that Bin Laden and al Qaeda were responsible. Now fuck off!

Punk At The Speed Of Light

Oh Stop Fucking Whining

Republicans seem to be complaining the Democrats are attacking McCain in code. Please.
Get over it.

And The Myth Of Global Warming

Money corrupts.

And For The Bunny Huggers

Bunny Drama here...

Can You Hear The Fish Cry? Can You?

I know its not good for the environment, I know all the old stories. In fact I'm a paying member of the Sierra Club and GreenPeace. BUT! I also do not want to actively fuck America's poor who can barely afford to drive to their already fucking lousy jobs because people with the time, money and energy don't care about them. I also don't want to fund the despots that fund the killing of American (and Israeli) teenagers in uniform.
Senator John McCain called yesterday for an end to the federal ban on offshore oil drilling, offering an aggressive response to high gasoline prices and immediately drawing the ire of environmental groups that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has courted for months.
Like everything, this is good for some and bad for others. We gotta deal sometimes.

I Don't Care How Hot She May Be

But Denise Richards seems to be a fucking psycho...
Good morning all.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Kanye West Sucked At Bonaroo

As if these stupid festivals are all that anyway. And as if any fucking star that decided he ought to glow in the dark is still grounded.

I'm Not Convinced

This article isn't badly written. In fact its almost persuasive. Almost. I agree with many points but as you can see in this paragraph:
For the urban poor, rising food prices are disastrous, but for the developing world's rural poor (about 67 percent of those who live on less than a dollar a day), food price increases can boost incomes as subsistence farms become more economic. That's why developing countries such as India and Brazil have pressed to reduce Western food subsidies and increase food prices -- so their farmers can generate income. Cellulosic biofuels, because of biomass's potential for raising rural incomes, may be among the most valuable poverty alleviation tools we have for Africa.
there are many glaring gaps. It sounds great but is it true? Doesn't seem viable to me. But then again, I feel the urban poor are also pretty important and deserve to afford to eat. I'm not delighted by "solutions" that sacrifice one community for another's benefit. But thats progress for ya. Or at least for Vinod Khosla.

See, Mr. Khosla is in this for profit and just because he is going "green", doesn't make him a saint. Like many profiteers, he's after his money. This "editorial" for the Washington Post is as much a deflecting PR fluff piece as any celebrity mouthpiece ever spouted.

Read it here...

they put it in your blood

greetings from your new contributor -- the ultimate hired-gun to act as your very own care-free conscience... yes!

now, what must be addressed is this: there is a hugely insidious force at work as we enter these dangerous times. and without our greatest christmas gift since jesus christ -- and i obviously am making reference to rod serling (b. december 25, 1924 -  d. june 28, 1975), otherwise known (to me) as the second coming of christ -- we have no method or meter of truly gauging these disarming phenomena. but in the name of our reincarnated lord and savior rod serling, i shall alert the masses henceforth: you're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. you've just crossed over into the no spin zone...

witness, if you will, a man of utter conviction. in his brutal demeanor, he defends patriotically all his cherished national institutions, enabling the stranger supernatural qualities of things absurd. thank you, mr. o'reilly, for without you we might lose to extinction terrific franchises as evidenced here:


... this bitch is motherfucking everywhere on everthing. and to my mothafuckin chagrin, nobody is doing anything about it. bitch is on not only television disseminating her otherwise faggoty-ass bullshit, but also packs of yogurt, cereal, vaginal condoms, and board-games. she didn't make that despicable yogurt, but she (with her cherubic mug plastered about) is telling everyone to buy the wares of her franchise empire. what is ultimately engraved upon the collective consumer consciousness is far more damaging than the so-called collapse of the family unit attributed to homosexual couples. this is the true enemy enveloping the citizenry, perpetrated by a dark, masonic order that includes, but is not limited to: ronald mcdonald, the rockefeller family, the white actor who portrays jesus in paintings, the headless body of spyro agnew, evil ash from army of darkness, and bill o'reilly. the act of purchasing such a yogurt only perpetuates the oil market's monopoly over the citizenry's manacles, as this is not a localized product. additionally, it seems to perpetuate the growing, insipid, however popular idiocracy. which to combat the shortly incubated "dumb" contagion, we must fucking rise up and demand more wholesome board-games like my old childhood favorite:


... yes! let's take back the nation.

Fly Lady Di

Free Magazine's got some cool shit!

Big Oil

So this is a tough one. I think a limited and closely monitored expansion could be very helpful. We all know that we do need to get more fucking oil. The hard left and the "green" interest groups are vehemently opposed to this. I am more opposed to funding corrupt dictators who offer no freedoms to their people nor share in the wealth.
I believe special interest and corruption play a huge part in the current standoff and well, lets be honest: special interest groups are kinda the same, right or left.

I like lower food prices (and gas sure but I don't drive so it's less an issue for me personally).

Here's a good article from Opinion Journal.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Get Your Art On, Bitches!

Via Format

Good Music For Sunday Afternoon Drinking

Some beautifully uncool music by Headlights here.
Via Minneapolis Fucking Rocks...

What The Hell Is Wrong With Music These Days ?

This song may have one of the most unsingable melodies outside of fucking Wagner. The lyrics aren't much better:
"Put your sneakers on. We're going dancing all night long," Hudgens croons. "So are you ready? Did you eat - do you have the energy? ... Don't want you passing out after a couple of hours of beats."
I can't actually describe how obnoxious this song is, you can hear it for yourself here.
Hey Disney! Fuck you!
(I'm in a bad hungover mood)

Model Wars

Anthony Weiner is working on a bill that is trying to set aside American visa's specifically for models. This is the guy dating Huma Abedin. You know, the hottie that hangs with Hilary Clinton (I smell a Playboy offer).
This has pissed off some of the local talent:
"Forget trying to bring in new meat," ex-supermodel Janice Dickinson told the Daily News. "Let's divvy it up between the Americans on American soil, please."
I say they fight it out. And televise it! Please!

Happy Father's Day

Sunday Hangover Thread

Oh god it fucking hurts. Last night included an irish bagpipe band, a midget stripper, a lot of booze and well, if the fog clears and I remember more, I'll update it here.

There may be a lull in the posting until tonight.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday Night Early Drunken Thought

I've been drinking solidly since 2 pm this afternoon when I saw that Scarlett Johanssen was on the cover of Nylon's Music issue. She is a lovely face, good actress (so I hear) and I'm sure her mother thinks she has a lovely voice but as a singer she is just awful. Fucking abysmal.
With so many cool bands featured in the music issue why would you put her on the cover? Well, it makes me mad. I think I'll have another shot of jameson then hunt down a beer.

Fair Journalism

I"m stunned. I seem to have found an objective editorial that really states both sides' pros or cons. Now usually, I'd like to hate on everyone - Repubs and Democs - since I feel that they're both sides of the same fucking coin. Mac has been a part of the old system for over 2 decades but Obama has shown us that his associates are more than capable of being corrupt (or at least slightly on the legal side of immoral). Its politics as usual. Co-conspirators.

However, Peggy Noonan here has a very good and valid article showing the pros of Obama's future and pros of McCain's America. I feel it hints slightly toward giving Obama a chance though Mz. Noonan speaks fondly of "Old America" too. You decide.

I weigh this in favor of the Old America. Hard not to, for I remember it, and its sterling virtues. Maybe if you are 25 years old, your sense of the Old and New is different. In the Old America they were not enlightened about race and sex; they accepted grim factory lines and couldn't even begin to imagine the Internet. Fair enough. But I suspect the political playing out of a long-ongoing cultural and societal shift is part of the dynamic this year.

As to its implications for the race, we'll see. America is always looking forward, not back, it is always in search of the fresh and leaving the tried. That's how we started: We left tired old Europe and came to the new place, we settled the east and pushed West to the new place. We like new. It's in our genes. Hope we know where we're going, though.

Drugs, Sex, Hookers and Ink

I think this guy should get a medal for tenacity.
An Upper West Side bank robber - splattered from head to toe by an exploding dye pack left in his loot bag - nevertheless managed to hail a cab, buy drugs, rent a hotel room and hire a hooker before being caught, police sources said yesterday.

He knows what he wants and gets what he wants. Consequences be damned.


My kind if diet. (I'm quite thin actually...)

Graffiti In China

Very cool video and some good music too.

I just discovered Format and I fucking love it.

Introducing marta.kat

The brilliant and totally hot marta.kat will be posting here sometimes.

Trust me, she's hotter than that drunk girl you took home last night. So sit up straight.


Via Rachel Lucas

Xenu Attacks Dr. Drew

Y'know, they used to call loony doctors alienists. Now do you feel better Tom?
In next month's Playboy, Pinsky says: "A lot of people in the public eye who behave strangely have mental illness we can learn from, and much of it is based on childhood trauma, without a doubt.
"Take a guy like Tom Cruise. Why would somebody be drawn into a cultish kind of environment like Scientology? To me, that's a function of a very deep emptiness and suggests serious neglect in childhood — maybe some abuse, but mostly neglect."

In response to the Playboy quotes, Fields told the New York Post's Page Six gossip column: "This unqualified television performer who is obviously just looking for notoriety is so grotesquely unprofessional as to pretend to diagnose Tom and others without ever meeting them.

They go on to say Dr. Drew is just like Goebbels. On the one hand we have a Nazi criminal and on the other hand we have have someone irrelevant on an lame cable channel. You decide.

R Kelly Exonerated

Well sorta.
His publicist, Allen Mayer, released a statement saying Kelly always knew that "when all the facts came out in court, he would be cleared of these terrible charges. ... all he wants to do is move forward and put it behind him."
Basically, the jury weren't sure if the girl in the videotape was the girl that prosecutors said she was. She is now 23 and denies it. She also never testified. I think this whole thing a was a waste of time.

Bush And The Pope

Is this journalism? Fucking Reuters.

As birds chirped, the two entered a restored medieval tower and held 30 minutes of private talks.

Bush asked: "How big is it?" A Vatican aide responded: "Not quite as big as Texas." Bush then said: "Yes but more important ... this is spectacular."

Thats what she said

Friday, June 13, 2008

Sex And The Papercranes

Really insightful stuff this:

Tim Russert Dies

From a heart attack

Wyclef by Tone

Here's some cool pics, and a refreshing vibe. Good Readin'

Girls Gone Wild, Cougar Edition

Found this on Ace of Spades HQ.

Seriously hot
with a slideshow of celebrity moms who are batshit crazy coz CBS is classy like that.

Hangovers and Libertarians

Ok, right, so, here goes:

Has anyone actually being following the libertarian candidate Bob Barr? No me neither.
If anyone knows why Ron Paul and Bob Barr are such bloody lunatics. I mean, libertarian ideals aren't all that crazy, so why should the candidates be nuts?
Anyway, here's the latest on Barr - I think its just a lame press release but I'm too hungover to care.

Drunken Thought 2

So, I'm wondering who posted that last post. Was it me? I don't remember.
Was it Jess? Liam?
Ah crap, my head hurts...
I love my friends.

Drunken Thought

Here is the current drunken thought:

We all suck at pool when we're drunk.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

U2 To Play Heidi And Spencer's Wedding

Good thing they always sucked or I'd have lost faith in rock music. This almost makes you believe that corporations control mainstream music. Nah, that would be ridiculous.

Fucking U2.

Music and Beer Collide

I met these fellas in a bar a few weeks ago. At least I think it was them.
I mean, I found a card in a pocket the next afternoon...
Great site to find and laugh with some cool indie bands
Uncensored Interview

Sibling Rivalry, Madonna, Money, Bullshit

Her brother is writing this tell-all biography about Madge without her approval. Apparently Madonna and her brother are "not close" which is celeb talk for hate each other's fucking guts. Madonna wants it stopped...

Ummm... Yeah right. She tried to be relevant again with her adopt and african debacle and now this. Please. I call shenanigans. First the secrecy, now the leak. Ugh. Get over yourselves.

Well, here it is anyway.

Believe in the hype... It's easier than believing in Hope, Change and the Republican Party.

It's Actually A Certificate of Birth

Some points are valid. Others are just stupid. This whole birth certificate thing was just low. Who cares where he was born or what is middle name once was? Well, here ya go:
Obama's Certificate of Birth

The New Pop

Great Site, cool events and good music!
Go Now!

If There Ever Was A Reason To Drink...

Why the hell is Nicole Richie important? Who wants to see her in any show? Why have you fucking people enabled her and those goddamm TV execs. Turn the TV off.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gamma Gamma Hey Hey!

This is special news:
...a gamma bomb in the real world would not turn Bruce Banner into the Incredible Hulk. Rather, it would likely quickly turn him into a corpse dead from radiation sickness, if not incinerating him instantly.

Indeed, just as the Incredible Hulk is strong enough to destroy the entire planet, so too can a gamma ray burst kill life on this world. A "death star" was recently discovered that might one day explode with a gamma ray burst directed straight at us - although it might readily miss.
Run Away!

Another Band To Watch!

One Ton Tomatoes

Strawberry Shortcake The Sex Symbol?

She's hot now in an creepy jailbait way.

Bush Was Misunderstood?


Mathematical! Rhombus!

Learning Curve

The evils of alcohol manifest as a three headed hydra:
  • Drunken Thought
  • Drunken Action
  • More Alcohol
Drunken Thought meant I decided on a whim to move from New York City to Minneapolis.
Drunken Action meant that the whole band (yeah I'm in a band and yeah, the whole band was drunk) decided to end their leases (those of us that had apartments), quit their jobs (those of us that had jobs), and well, we're driving in two weeks to Minneapolis (only Liam can drive).
More Alcohol means that this continues to appear as a brilliant idea. Hooray!

Celebrity Stupid Meets Politically Naive.

More on the CountryWide Lobby and Obama plus Scarlett Johannsen being a twit. (Via Ace of Spades HQ)

And more on Scarlett from Agent Bedhead.

Obama Drops James Johnson, Kerry Loves Him!

It's a real heartbreaker when politicians and their cronies turn out to be corrupt. Or at least navigate by a different moral compass. Kerry was a moron then and a moron now.

And Ace weighs in here.

Some More Music

I've been listening to Joe Purdy.
A lot
You can tell Georgia that if I see him around,
Honey, I'm gonna knock him down.

Drunken Thought Of The Morning

It really isn't a good idea to start any night off with Bacardi 151.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


The Brown Note is coming for you Denver, CO.

I may not approve of the government in oh so many ways but if they could pull out this awesome thing for use on these paranoid fools, well, I'd be there with a nose plug and popcorn!

Sorry conspiracy morons, no one, not even the government, gives a fuck about you enough for this.

South Park should not really be an inspiration for delusions.

Drunken Thought

This may be the greatest addition to late night pizza ordering since late night pizza ordering...

I love you Pizza Tracker!

Why Is Bush Helping Saudi Arabia Build Nukes?


NASCAR Is Still Boring

Awful but not all that surprising...

The 32-year-old Grant, who is black, worked as a technical inspector responsible for certifying cars in NASCAR’s second-tier Nationwide Series from January 2005 until her termination. In the lawsuit, she alleged she was referred to as “Nappy Headed Mo” and “Queen Sheba,” by co-workers, was often told she worked on “colored people time,” and was frightened by one official who routinely made references to the Ku Klux Klan
Tough Lady! Read it!

Or maybe it wasn't...

Oh Eliot

Oh Ashley Dupre! Are you really still relevant?

Eliot Spitzer must be thinking it was worth it.

Band of the Week

From upstate NY - its the Mourning District.

The Power Of Pelosi

Its sad but true. The Democrats in congress swept the Republicans and then managed to do absolutely nothing. Well, nothing that I can think of except perhaps flog the myth of Global Warming (cue lightning, scary music and crying polar bears).

Well seems that Pelosi is the most powerful woman in politics now that Hillary is out.

Post No.1
