Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Everything I needed to know, I learned from watching celebrity meltdowns!

I guess its more of “what not to do” lessons that I’ve gleaned from regularly reading TMZ but no one can deny the “can’t look away” factor. These celebs and their handlers are masters of marketing and there isn’t one action they take that isn’t spun into publicity, marketing, endorsements or fame-gain. It’s a false and fleeting fortune, like a viral video that bursts into your inbox through annoying subject lines and friends’ forwarding it for the 17th time. It wears extraordinarily thin soon - thinner than La Lohan or Mischa can even dream of.

These celebs and their handlers are masters of marketing

So what can you learn from these meltdowns? Simple, don’t have ‘em. Build your reputation on reliability, your position on the positive.
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